Cognitive Behavior Therapy is an ideal approach for on line counselling, allowing time pressed individuals the opportunity to undertake counselling from their workplace or home, or in the case of frequent travellers another country. It is also particularly suited to individuals who are home bound, particularly mother’s of young children, those suffering from illness, or those in rural areas who do not have regular access to transport.

CBT is based on the principle that emotional distress is often caused by exaggerated negative thinking. This pattern of thinking leads individuals to adopt behaviors that bring short term gain for long term pain. Sessions are structured, and focus on identifying negative thoughts, learning to dispute them, and replacing them with more balanced views. Avoidant and safety behaviors are also identified, and participants are encouraged to gradually adopt more constructive behaviors, thus reducing emotional distress.

CBT is a particularly effective intervention for all types of anxiety, panic attacks, as well as depression.

Sessions are conducted by Orla McHugh who has a post grad in CBT from Trinity College Dublin. Orla also lectures on CBT at degree level in Griffith College.